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Your Questions
Q: What do I talk about in spiritual direction sessions?Spiritual direction session are a great place to reflect on your life. Whatever aspect, story, or experience you feel moved to bring to prayer and reflection. You, your director, and the Holy Spirit meet in holy conversation so “you may have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Above all, your spiritual director listens and helps you to come clear about the hints and guesses, the invitations, and the “nudgings” of the Spirit in your life.
Q: Is spiritual direction counseling?No. Spiritual direction is not meant to replace other forms of helping ministries such as biblical, pastoral, or psychological counseling. Spiritual direction differs from counseling ministries primarily in its focus: the intention in spiritual direction is not to help solve a problem, but rather to look for God’s activity within any problems and within the rest of the person’s life experience. This perspective invites you into deeper relationship with God in the midst of whatever you are experiencing. Spiritual direction is designed to compliment rather than compete with these other vital ministries within the Body of Christ.
Q: What happens in group spiritual direction?During group spiritual direction a small group of people (4-6) come together to provide spiritual direction for each other. Each group member will have time to share, and afterward, the group will respond prayerfully to what was shared. Group spiritual direction is a time for deep listening without any attempts to fix or correct another person's experience. Instead, the group helps each other become more aware of God in their lives.
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